We are so excited to invite you to join us for four days of exquisite expression, self renewal, and sisterly celebration. Bloom True Moves is a retreat for juicy and raw self discovery, awakening, and new friendship through painting, yoga, voice, and dance. We will be hosted by Buckhorn Springs in Ashland, OR. This charming family-run getaway will provide us with delicious nourishing meals and comfortable accommodations on a beautiful and healing property. As your facilitators, we are cooking up rich and meaningful days for our time together.
No experience in dance, painting or yoga required. All levels welcome.
See above for retreat details and teacher bios. For more information, email Robyn Kautz at robyn@simplify-me.net. To register for the weekend you may send your deposit via snail mail or via PayPal, using the link below.
With love!
Heather, Robyn & Flora
Non-Refundable deposit unless your spot is filled.